Root canal treatment or endodontic treatment is a dental procedure performed to mend the damaged tissue surrounding the root of a tooth. There are many symptoms suggesting tissue and nerve damage. This includes having a swollen face and becoming sensitive to cold or hot drinks.
Did you ever think that root canal treatment could be:
o 1. done in ONE VISIT with
o 2. NO PAIN
o 3. done using LASERS to eradicate infections
o 4. and the treatment would only take less than half an hour.
o 5. Costs starting from 650.00
Modern treatments including laser allow us to complete most root canal therapies in a single visit. No waste of your time and multiple injections and multiple visits.This is subject to case assessment and appropriateness of this procedure.
Root canal treatment can take several appointments, depending on how complex your tooth is. Teeth may vary in shape depending on the number, length and curvature of the root canals. Sedative dressings and temporary fillings may be placed inside your tooth between each visit to help settle the surrounding tissues and destroy remaining bacteria. In between visits you can use your tooth for chewing, but some care should be exercised.
During the root canal treatment your tooth will be isolated and protected with a sheet of rubber (“rubber dam”). The rubber dam isolates the tooth, so only the tooth can be seen during the root canal treatment. This prevents debris from within the tooth entering the mouth, or saliva and bacteria from the mouth entering the tooth during the root canal treatment process. A metal band may also be placed around your tooth, to protect the tooth and help retain the temporary filling. This band remains in place until the crown of the tooth is restored at the final appointment along with the root canal filling.